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Stock Photo Journey: The Year Ahead

January is a time when our thoughts often turn to planning and goal setting for the year ahead, what will life's journey have in store for us - what will we make for ourselves and what will we have no control over?

Here is a selection of conceptual images from our free image library you might find inspiring:

Useful Textures and Backgrounds

Some of our most often downloaded images are also the most versatile: textures and backgrounds, with a bit of skill adding some text or using layer effects these images have the ability to really make your designs come to life.

Stock Photo Trends

The fickle world of design and photography has plenty of shot lived fads, but one of the major trends over the last few years is the growth of "non stocky" stock photos. You might have heard rumours of "the death to stock photos" :)

There is plenty of need for simple, colorful and easily recognized "stocky" images that can be used in any kind of design; but even the big microstock agencies are taking less about generic and more about "authentic" "natural" "realistic" "unstaged" (you would not be believe the amount of staging that goes into some "unstaged" photos!

Fresh & Free - Christmas Images

Some of the latest free images uploaded for the Festive holiday season, all with a "glitter free" modern christmas style

Halloween Moodboard

 Collection of free halloween theme stock images: